Den här tjejen är fantastik, har glott igenom hennes filmer på youtube senaste timmen, och WOW säger jag bara. Det här är en tjej man verkligen skulle vilja träffa och se LIVE!
Haha, jag fick faktiskt lov att skriva ett mail till henne på facebook: Hello Eva! I saw you videos from youtube and i couldn't do anthing else but love it. I love how you work your horses and to see the love you have to eachother. Great work! I'm a great fan of you, and i wish i could see you live, that would have been a experiense for a lifetime. Dear wishes, Amanda from Sweden
I was doing some ground work with Teddy today and I decided to film it and show everyone. It could be educational in some ways, maybe you could learn something from this?
"I need you to trust me. I will never hit or hurt you. I can prove to you I'm a good leader. I will be your bestfriend. You can always rely on me. Together we work as a team. Together we will achieve greatness. Together we are one."
I haven't copied and pasted that from anything, I wrote it myself. It's actually similar to what runs through my head as I work with Teddy.
I want him to have a choice. "I would appreciate it if you could just move over there please." not "Move over there or I shall force you to, I am the boss and you shall do as you're told."
If he doesn't want to do what I ask him to, then I'm asking too much. I can trust his judgement as well as my own. If the task is easy/simple and he doesn't want to comply, then I must be at fault.
Mamma brukar alltid säga att om man vill ha en snäll häst som aldrig hittar på något dumt så ska man skaffa en dalahäst. Dessutom kräver den inga större omkostnader, ingen daglig vård m.m. Det tråkiga med dalahästar är väl att de inte rör sig så mycket. Men här är lösningen!
Hittade av en slump de här, och några till gjorda av samma tjej. Tyckte att det ingav en sån härlig känsla så ville dela med mig. Hästarna verkar väldigt glada och livliga, lyckliga liksom :)